Health Care Proxy 101

Please join us for a free online workshop Health Care Proxy 101 on Tuesday June 2nd at 2pm. Register here to learn how to choose and use a trusted person to be make health care decisions for you when you can’t make them for yourself.

At this workshop, you will learn how easy it is to create this legal document, plus: 

  • What qualities to look for in the person you choose
  • What your proxy needs to know to be an effective advocate
  • Why a proxy goes beyond end-of-life planning
  • Why you need this document during the time of COVID-19

This workshop is a part of Say Ah!’s weekly series, “Navigating the New Health Care Normal,” held Tuesdays at 2pm. This series helps people gain the skills needed to find, understand and use health information and services in the time of COVID-19.

NEW: Free Workshop on Medication Safety

Join us for a free workshop on how to Stay Medication Safe while Staying Home this Tuesday, May 19th at 2pm. Register here to learn how to live with your medications (and common cleaning supplies) during the COVID crisis with Lauren Schwartz from the New York City Poison Control Center.  

We are quarantined with more medications than ever before, which makes it easy to make an error in taking them. At this free workshop, learn tips on how to safely use, manage and store your medications, vitamins, herbs and supplements, as well as what to do if things go wrong.

This workshop is a part of Say Ah!’s weekly series, “Navigating the New Health Care Normal,” held every Tuesday at 2pm in May.